

游戏表现不佳,深感自责。介于各方面压力 ,以个人能力实在难以再继续推进这个项目,于是在一年前我已去某游戏公司就职程序员,但也是在旗下的独立游戏工作室工作。因为工作繁忙,魔剑士处于暂停制作,实在抱歉。玩家反馈过的问题,我都认真思考过,并且也总结了这个游戏的不足和自己的规划失误。这个游戏会暂停开发相当一段时间,但不会烂尾,相反我有计划在经济宽裕之后完全3D重制,3D化可以大大增强画面表现力,同时解决因为2D动作缺帧导致的动作拖沓,判定不明显等问题。


Long time no see, even almost missed the 2021. Offen, players ask me about 'Mulite Swordsman', so let me summarize some personal thoughts.

AS the bad performance of the game , I feel guilty. Due to various pressures, it is really difficult to continue this project with my own ability. So I went to a game company to work as a programmer, about one year ago. but still I am working in its own independent game studio. Because of busy works, the 'Mulite Swordsman' is temporarily stagnated. I have thought about the problems that the players have feedback, and I have also summarized the shortcomings of the game and my own mistakes. The development of this game will be suspended for quite some time. On the future, I plan to remake it completely in 3D with enough monney. 3D can greatly enhance the performance of the graphics, the game feel, and the hit collisions , that caused by lack of frames in 2D motion. 

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